
Showing posts from April, 2024
AI 4 You - Business Development and Administrative Tasks I have been working for you. These past few years I have been using AI and follow the astonishing pace of new AIs coming to market, new features etc. No, I am not a specialist. And I am not an IT geek. I speak the language of users who want to benefit from AI yet don't know how to maximize value from it. So, how can you move from ground zero to improve my productivity at work? How can I minimize clerk related stuff that is repetitive and adds no business value to me? Well, start by attending my course and we can take it from there. What should I expect? Learn the basic tools, learn from real life examples and understand how to manage the constraints and risks of using AI for producing work. What are the advantages? Well, if you start from ground zero you will be able to change completely the way you look at AI to improve your job and what you need to know to perform. You will also have hands on experience on what professions